Adjustable BIG LEATHER DOG HARNESS For MASTIFFS- Padded dog Harness

My husband and i recently got our second mastiff after losing the first to cancer at the age of 12, we had spoken many times about the idea of getting her a quality harness throughout her life but never quite got around to it and instead stubbornly struggled with the sizings of nylon strap harnesses you see at pet stores.

So when we brought home our new girl we decided to invest in a quality piece that will last her a lifetime, and quality it truly is, i purchased this in the largest size to accomodate her growth as she is only 1yo and at its tightest it fits perfectly, with so much length available i have no doubt it will never be too small, the buckles and fastenings are tight and sturdy, the leather is thick and excellent quality, and the optional handle is well made and secure.

If you find yourself skimming the reviews on here wondering if this investment is worthwhile for your big dog as i was so many weeks ago, this is your sign to take the leap, you will not be disappointed.

justine P., 02/09/2022
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